Lisa Brilliant #1

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Lisa Brilliant #1 is Lisa Brilliant's first mission of the story in F-Zero: GP Legend. The mission takes place in Red Canyon.


Lisa Brilliant enters an F-ZERO Grand Prix intending to win a fortune from it. As the race begins, an ominous figure looms above overlooking Lisa.

Lisa Brilliant wins the race easily, but she begins to swerve her machine and crashes into a guardrail after the finish line. She exits her machine unharmed, but appears to have no idea where she is and what happened to her.


Course Map

The mission takes place on Red Canyon: Peak Jump. It is a standard five-lap race with sixteen participants, Lisa starting in fourth. The objective is to finish the race in first place.



Announcer: "The F-ZERO Grand Prix begins!"
Announcer: "Lisa Brilliant, the speeding jewel..."
Announcer: "Will today be her day for victory?"
Lisa Brilliant: "Well, then..."
Lisa Brilliant: "Guess I'll rough these racers up and win a fortune!"
Unknown: "So that's Lisa... Lisa Brilliant."


Announcer: "Lisa Brilliant wins by a huge margin!"
Announcer: "What's this?"
Announcer: "Lisa's craft seems to be swerving..."
Announcer: "What's wrong with Brilliant?!?"
Lisa Brilliant: "Ohh... I feel so...strange..."
Announcer: "AIIIIIGH!!!"
Announcer: "Lisa has crashed after the race!"
Announcer: "Her machine has smashed a guardrail past the goal line!"
Announcer: "Whoa!!! It's OK, folks! Lisa is OK!"
Announcer: "She's uninjured! She's on her feet!"
Lisa Brilliant: "Wha... What... happened to me?"
Lisa Brilliant: "Where am I?"
Lisa Brilliant: "Huh???"

Mission info

  • Objective: Win the race!
  • Bounty: $500,000,000